In the spirit of ‘imposter syndrome’, which I feel most of us recognise at some point or another in our lifetime, I wanted to be open about who I really am and why I started She’s Gone Mad.
I've juggled it all! Building a career, life experiences, creating and scaling businesses, selling them, all whilst raising a young family across various geographical regions..has been a LOT! I struggled even more so when I hit the age of 46! Here's why..
I didn't really know what was happening. I was one of those people who knew what menopause was, but I didn't think it would be something I was going to go through myself. I swept it under the carpet & felt like I didn't really need to educate myself on it.
Until my husband started calling my behaviour out, he actually started to research & educate himself on menopause. Looking back, I'm so glad he did, I feel really blessed to have a supportive partner (but I equally know not everyones partners are well educated around this subject!). I FINALLY listened to him when I just had enough of feeling the way I did without any knowledge, or know what action to take. That moment changed everything for me.
Specifically designed for the professional woman who wants direct access to the tools & resources to manage this new phase of life, bring back their confidence and build a shiny new identity so that they can take responsibility, take back control and accelerate in all areas of business, relationships and health.
A 4-12 Week programme that has been designed to blend awareness, education and discussion together so that the partners of women experiencing perimenopause understand more and as a couple, re-lights the spark & brings you closer together.
A workshop delivered to corporate leaders and managers to highly educate them on the impacts of menopause that it can cause inside the workplace
This 30 minute call is where we can discover where you're currently at when it comes to dealing with your perimenopause or menopause, how you WANT to feel going forward an create the roadmap so you know exactly how to get there. This is completely FREE and we can laugh or cry on the call together.